Mediation Services

Mediation is an interactive process in which a third-party (a mediator) facilitates disputing individuals to resolve their conflict. At Harrison Resolve, LLC, we serve as a neutral and impartial mediator, and use various communication techniques to foster active participation between parties.

Collaborative Mediation Services: 

A collaborative mediation is an out-of-court settlement process where parties and their lawyers try to reach an agreement satisfying the needs of all parties The parties agree to provide all relevant information necessary for the resolution of other dispute. This means of resolution has been useful in resolving domestic cases but is finding significant applicability o contractual and commercial disputes. 

Benefits of Mediation Services:

  • Provides the ability for all parties to be heard and their points of view analyzed
  • Typically is less costly than litigation
  • Offers a resolution that is dictated by the parties and not a judge—allowing the parties to maintain control of the outcome
  • Can be completed in less time than litigation, providing an expedient resolution of the issues in controversy
  • Provides a confidential way to avoid public discloser of personal problems


For other mediation services, please visit Domestic Mediation Services.

Domestic Mediation Services

Domestic mediation allows parties to reach a divorce or separation using a trained mediator instead of a judge or jury. Harrison Resolve, LLC is a skilled mediator who carefully examines the needs and interests of the parties involved while helping them reach a mutually acceptable settlement.

Domestic Mediation Services: 

Disagreements, disputes, and conflicts are a part of life; however, these ongoing challenges can attribute to a marriage ending in divorce. Separation and divorce are traumatic and complex events, straining family ties and causing financial stress. Although we do not determine if parties should divorce or stay together, Harrison Resolve, LLC does provide mediation to help couples who want a divorce reach a mutually acceptable settlement. Our goal is to resolve divorce in a cooperative manner and not involve a judge or jury to decide the case through a costly legal battle. With our domestic mediation services, a couple’s differences are settled privately and not in a public courtroom. The time frame and ground rules are determined by the couple, which often results in a more mutually satisfying process and a longer-lasting settlement for the parties involved.           

Domestic Violence Mediation Services: 

Harrison Resolve, LLC has the required Georgia-mandated certification needed to work in domestic violence mediations. If your divorce has been identified as one involving domestic violence, we have the experience and credentials to assist you. Please contact us today.

Benefits of Domestic Mediation Services:

  • Promotes better communication and cooperation
  • Benefits children by reducing conflict
  • Allows for temporary agreements to be reached so immediate concerns can be handled


For other mediation services, please visit Mediation Services.

Our negotiation, mediation, arbitration and resolution services are offered in-person and online. Contact us today for more information or to arrange an appointment.

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